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AIM awarded Neutral Carbon Zone certification

The results are in! AIM Commercial Cleaning has completed a remeasurement of our Carbon emissions for the 2021/22 financial year and we are delighted to share that compared to our last measurement we have significantly reduced our Carbon intensity by a massive 34%!

Working in partnership with Neutral Carbon Zone as part of our comprehensive carbon management program, we are pleased to see that our hard work over the past 2 years has really paid off. Not only have we reduced our organisational emissions significantly, but we have also offset all our emissions, in full, with certified Gold standard carbon credits and have been awarded the neutralcarbonzone silver certification.

Our goal is to ensure all ongoing organisational and operational emissions are being measured, reported on and reduced wherever possible, and any remaining unavoidable emissions are verifiably offset to ensure complete carbon neutrality as a business, and as a service provider.

Our Certificate